Arnaud/Long time no see...

Created Mon, 25 Jul 2022 19:00:00 +0200

Oh my god!

What a shame…

I started this “blog” almost one year ago, and… it stayed unchanged for 7 months already!

December, 9th 2021… My last post date… An eternity 😓


Since this date, I have to admit there were quite a few changes in my professional life.

I quit my job and I started a freelance activity, in my domain: cloud, api and solution architect. I already worked in such position, just before the COVID, but I needed to come back to my previous position as employee in an industry.

TL;DR: for many reasons my friends already know, I came back and quit … again 😁

I quickly found a mission (thanks to a friend of mine) in a company to integrate a massive digitalisation program, with the specific role of API tech lead.

My mission: supporting the IT transformations on the APIzation domain by helping them defining APIs representing the business entities, governance and implementing both infra and first API proxy.

As a corollary, training operation team and developers.

Why am I mentioning that? Because of the technical context, of course! 😁

Here are the fex element I may use as post idea soon:

  • The classical standard Open API Specifications 📜 , the lighthouse in the storm,
  • The robust Google APIGEE X 💱 , a great abstraction layer,
  • The beloved Postman 🛠️ , more equipped than a swiss knife
  • The forgotten Developer Portal 🧭 , always at the bottom of the backlog,
  • The magical API 🪄 , “known” by everyone but often mistreated and deviated
  • The mesmerizing shell 🧜‍♀️ , I fall in love with…

So yes, I’m resurrecting this blog to share a little about all of this, hopefully on a regular basis (not once every 7 months) 😉


Note: probably not the first time I write it (and not the last one), but this blog is NOT sponsorised in any way. I do not get paid by any brand owner I mention in my posts (or from anyone else).